Ihr sucht Inspiration für euren Trainingsplan? Dann könnt ihr hier sehen, welches Workout of the Day (WOD) ich absolviere.

31. Juli

coming soon

30. Juli

coming soon

29. Juli

Games Week WOD

"Triple 3"
for time
3 km row
300 double unders
3 mile run

28. Juli

5km run

27. Juli

20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
3 min rest between each of 5 rounds

26. Juli

10km Vattenfall City Night Run

25. Juli

a) 3 sets
4-6 deadlifts (70-80%)
8-12 strict pull ups
(60-90sec rest between sets)

b) 3 rounds for time
20 hand release push ups
20 kb highpulls 32/24
400m run
10 burpees
10 swings 32/24
200m run

24. Juli


23. Juli

a) back squat

b) amrap 10min
ascending ladder
2, 4, 6, 8...
jumping squats

c) in teams of two
amrap 6min
40m farmer carry 32/24
partner holds handstand

22. Juli

a) 3 sets
4-6 shoulder press (70-80%)
10-15 single arm kb row
(60-90sec rest between sets)

b) 5 rounds
10 push press 50/35
15 box jumps 60/50
200m run

21. Juli

5km run

20. Juli


19. Juli

in teams of two for time
400m weighted run 24/16
50 burpees
100 wall balls 9/6
150 swings 24/16
400m weighted run 24/16
50 pull ups
100 pushups
150 jumping lunges
400m weighted run 24/16

18. Juli

a) deadlift
5-5-3-3-2-2-1 (65-95%)

b) amrap 12min
10 power cleans 60/40
20 sit ups
40 double unders

17. Juli

a) on every 90sec for 15min (10sets)
2 back squats
(starting weight 50/35, increase each set by 10/5, if you can not add more weight stay at your haviest to finish all sets)

b) 12,10,8,6,4,2 reps for time
front rack lunges 70/50
shoulder to overhead 70/50

16. Juli

5km run

15. Juli

a) emom 10min
even 1 bear complex
odd 10 ring dips

b) 21,15,9 rep for time
squat clean thruster 40/30
burepees over the bar

14. Juli


13. Juli

in teams of two for time
1 round
1600m row
80 knees to elbows
80 kb highpulls 24/16
2 rounds
800m row
40 burpees
40 swings 24/16
3 rounds
400m row
20 pull ups
20 goblet squats 24/16

12. Juli

7km run

11. Juli

a) work up to a heavy back squat triple

b) max reps back squats (80% of a)

c) amrap 10min
10 wall balls 15/10
200m run

d) 5 rounds
40 sec plank
20 sec res

10. Juli

a) work up to a hevy 3 rep press within 10min

b) emom 10min
5 push press
(try to use weight from a)

c) for time
100 double unders
25 burpees
80 double unders
20 burpees
60 double unders
15 burpees
40 double unders
10 burpees
20 double unders
5 burpees

09. Juli

a) with a parter for 5min
3 power cleans back and forth

b) 5 rounds for reps
30 sec deadlifts 80/60
30 sec rest
30 sec box jumps 60/50
30 sec rest
30 sec shuttle sprint 5m
30sec rest

08. Juli

5km run

07. Juli

a) work up to a heavy power sntach + 2 overhead squats

b) “Air Force“
for time
20 thrusters 40/30
20 sumo deadlifts highpull
20 push jerks
20 overhead squats
20 front squats

emom 4 burpees

06. Juli

a) emom 10min
even 10 goblet squats
odd 10 ring rows

b) for total reps
amrap 4min
wall ball sit ups
buy in 400m run

1min rest

amrap 4min
burpees over the rower
buy in 500m row

1min rest

amrap 4min
kb high pulls 24/16
buy in 1000m bike

c) with a partner
for 6min weighted plank 20/16

05. Juli


04. Juli


03. Juli

5km run

02. Juli

a) work up to a heavy hang clean and jerk

b) amrap 15min
1 round “Cindy“
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
1 round “DT“
12 deadlifts 70/50
9 hang cleans
6 push jerks

01. Juli

a) work up to a heavy pause front squat + front squat
(4sec pause at the bottom)

b) for time
200m run
15 front squats 70/55
400m run
30 burpees over the bar
800m run
30 burpees over the bar
400m run
15 front squats 70/55
200m run

30. Juni

for time
25 pull ups
50 deadlifts 60/40
50 push ups
50 box jumps
50 floor wipers 60/40
50 clean and press 16/12
25 pull ups

29. Juni

a) work up to a heavy tripple deadlift

b)amrap 15 min
3 deadlifts
6 push ups
9 squats
12 bar hops

28. Juni

in teams of two for time
400m run (both)
50 power cleans 50/35
25 thrusters 50/35
40 power cleans
20 thrusters
30 power cleans
15 thrusters
20 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 power cleans
5 thrusters
400m run (both)

27. Juni


26. Juni

7km run

25. Juni

a) work up to a heavy double power snatch

b) amrap 20min
5 burpees
10 alt. db snatches 25/15
15 box over jumps 60/50

on every 5min 400m run

24. Juni

6km run

23. Juni

9 rounds for time
7 squat cleans 80/55
8 burpee box jumps 60/50

22. Juni

a) work up to a heavy push press

b) for time
21 push ups
21 burpes over the bar
21 cal row
15 push ups
15 burpes over the bar
15 cal row
9 push ups
9 burpes over the bar
9 cal row

21. Juni

in teams of two for time
1000m row
100 man makers 15/10
1000m row

20. Juni

a) 1rm bench press within 10min

b) bench press
3 x 5 (70-80%)

c) amrap 10min
ascending ladder
2,4,6,8 ...
power snatches 40/30
toes to bar

19. Juni

a) back squat
5-4-3-2-1 (70-80-85-90-95%)

b) for time
50 wall balls 20/14
25 power cleans 60/40
50 wall balls 20/14
emom 5 burpees

18. Juni


17. Juni

a) work up to a heavy deadlift triple

b) 3 rounds for time
75 double unders
50 air squats
25 cal row

16. Juni

5km run

15. Juni


14. Juni

in teams of two for time
50 ground to overhead 50/35
100 back squats 50/35
400m barbell carry 50/35
100 back squats 50/35
50 ground to overhead 50/35

13. Juni

5km run

12. Juni


11. Juni

a) work up to a heavy front squat triple

b) 10 rounds for time
200m run
8 push jerk 60/40

10. Juni

a) shoulder press
3 x 5 (70-80%)

b) for time
3 rounds
30 deadlifts 50/35
15 pull ups
3 rounds
20 hang cleans 50/35
10 handstand push ups
3 rounds
10 thrusters 50/35
5 burpees over the bar

09. Juni


08. Juni

5x50m Spint
3 rounds
600m run
300m jogg
200m sprint

07. Juni

WOD 1)
5 rounds for time
400m run
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 sit ups
40 squats

WOD 2)
in teams of two accumulate
power clean
400m run (both)
front squat
400m run (both)
shoulder to overhead
400m run (both)

06. Juni

a) work up to a heavy deadlift triple within 10min

b) emom 15min
1st minute
3 deadlifts 120/90
10 burpees over the bar
2nd minute
3 deadlifts
10 pull ups
3rd minute
3 deadlifts
10 pistols

c) tabata plank

05. Juni

a) 3 rounds
5 back squat (70-80%)
30m sled pull (heavy)

b) CMAR final 2
3 rounds for time
150m run
12 alt. kb snatches 32/24
9 box jumps 75/60
6 push press 70/50
3 bar muscle ups

04. Juni


03. Juni


02. Juni

7 rounds for time
15 swings 24/16
15 power cleans 40/30
15 box jumps 60/40


5x50m Sled Pull
3 Runden
400m Sprint
45 sec rest
400m Sprint
3 min rest

WOD2: Chipper (20 Min. Time Cap sowie zusätzlich einmal nach 5 Min. 500m Rudern)
500m Rudern
10x Thruster
10x Pull ups
10x Wall Balls
8x Thruster
8x Pull ups
8x Wall Balls
6x Thruster
6x Pull ups
2x Wall Balls
500m Rudern

31. Mai

for total reps in teams of two
within 4min
400m run
max reps shoulder to overhead 50/35
2min rest

within 4min
400m run
max reps box jumps
2min rest

within 4min
400m run
max reps power clean 50/35
2min rest

within 4min
400m run
max reps wall balls

30. Mai

a) work up to a heavy back squat triple

b) 5 rounds for reps
30’’ on/ 30’’ off
pull ups
push press 40/30
slam balls 20/15
row (cal)

10km nike womens run


6km run

28. Mai

a) 3 rounds
4-6 bench press
8-12 single arm db/kb row

b) amrap 10min
10 wall balls 9/6
10 hand release push ups
10 swings 24/16

3 rounds
20 hollow rocks
20 arch rocks

27. Mai

5km run


5 rounds for time
5 power cleans 60/40
10 front squats 60/40
5 push jerks 60/40
20 pull ups
90sec rest

25. Mai


24. Mai

KrassFit Challenge
12.5 km
24 Hindernisse
400m Höhendifferenz
jede Menge Spaß


a) back squat
5-4-3-2-1 (70-90%)

b) 3 rounds for reps
1min wall balls
1min pull ups
1min db snatch
1min box over jumps
1min row (cal)
1min rest

22. Mai

a) 4 rounds
5 shoulder press
10 renegade rows
1min double unders

b) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time
slam balls 20/15
toes to bar

21. Mai

a) 3 rounds
10 front rack lunges
max reps ring push ups

b) 3 rounds for time
10 power clean 60/40
20 pull ups
400m run


a) emom 15 min
1st min 1 rope climb
2nd min 2 wall climbs
3rd min 3 squat cleans 80/55

b) 21,15,9 reps for time
deadlifts 100/70
burpees over the bar

19. Mai

Drop in @ CrossFit Munich Skill: Handstand walk

15 min to work up to a heavy Squat Clean

Squat Clean, 60/40 kg
Ring Dip

18. Mai



Drop in @ Crossfit Munich
Skill: Muscle-Up
Back Squat
emom 10 min
30 swings 16kg

16. Mai

5km run

15. Mai

a) 3 rounds
5 deadlift (70-80%)
max reps inverted ring rows

b) for time
3 rounds
10 power snatches 40/30
10 toes to bar
3 rounds
10 overhead squats 40/30
10 pull ups
3 rounds
10 sumo deadlift high pulls 40/30
10 ring dips


a) back squat
5 x 3 (80-90%)

b) for time
100 box jumps 60/50
500m row
50 burpees over the rower
500m row
100 swings 24/16

13. Mai

5km run

12. Mai



3 rounds
400 sprint
100 easy jog
100 sprint
3 min rest between each round
3 rounds
200 sprint
100 easy jog
100 sprint
2 min rest between each round
3 rounds
100 sprint
100 easy jog
100 sprint
1 min rest between each round

10. Mai

in teams of two amrap 25min
5 burpees over the bar
10 jumping squats 20/15
20 push press 20/15
40 double unders
partner runs 400m

09. Mai

regionals event 6
for time
50 cal row
50 box jump overs 60/50
50 deadlifts 80/55
50 wall balls 20/14
50 ring dips
50 wall balls
50 deadlfts
50 box jump overs
50 cal row


6km run

07. MAi

a) 3 rounds
10 one legged squats
3-5 muscle ups
30-45 sec handstand hold (free or wall)
b) 5 rounds for time
5 hang cleans 80/55
10 toes to bar
50 doube unders

06. Mai

6km run


“paleo challenge baseline“
5 rounds for time
400m run
10 pull ups
20 push ups
30 sit ups
40 squats

04. MAi

6 rounds
200 m sprint
200 jog
200 m sprint
2 min rest

03. Mai

6km run


a) squat clean
5 x 3 (75-85%)

b) 20 rounds for time
1 clean 80/60
3 burpees
5 deadlifts 80/60
7 squats

01. MAi

7km run

30. April



5km run

28. April

“CMAR 3“
7min to establish a max complex of
1 snatch + 1 hang snatch + 2 overhead squats

b) naughty “Karen“
for time
150 wall balls 20/14
each break is an immediate 200m run

27. April

Sprint Workout
3min rest
10x200m (200m, 1min rest, 200m...)
3min rest


in teams of two
amrap 26min
26cal row
26 cleans 50/35
26 burpees over the bar
26cal row
26 front squats 50/35
26 burpees over the bar
26cal row
26 shoulder to overhead 50/35
26 burpees over the bar
26cal row
26 ground to overhead 50/35
26 burpees over the bar

25. April


24. April

5km run


5km run

22. April

amrap 13min
50 double unders
50 sit ups
25 cal row
40 double unders
40 sit ups
20 cal row
30 double unders
30 sit ups
15 cal row
20 double unders
20 sit ups
10 cal row
10 double unders
10 sit ups
amrap cal row in the remainder of the time


in teams of two for time
800m run (both)
80 swings 24/16
400m run
40 burpees
200m run
20 clean & jerk 60/40
200m run
40 burpees
400m run
80 swings 24/16
800m run

one is working at a time

19. April

Sprint Workout in teams of four

18. April

7km run



16. April

a) emom 12min
even 15,16,17,18,19,20 box jumps 60/50
odd 15,16,17,18,19,20 slam balls 20/15

b) 3 rounds for time
10 cleans 80/55
20 hand release push ups
400m run

15. April

a) work up to a heavy single split jerk

b) 3 rounds for time
10 shoulder to over head 60/40
15 pull ups
20 front rack lunges 60/40
2min rest


3min ascending ladder
2,4,6,8,10, ...
burpees over the bar

score is weight x deadlift reps

13. April


12. April

5 rounds for time
400 m run
30 wall balls 20/14
30 box jumps 60/50


a) 1 rep max

b) “Helen“
3 rounds for time
400m run
21 swings 24/16
12 pull ups

10. April

a) 1 rep max

b) “Elizabeth“
21,15,9 reps for time
cleans 60/40
ring dips

09. April

a) 1 rep max
back squat

b) „Nancy“
5 rounds for time
400m run
15 overhead squats 40/30


a) 1 rep max deadlift

b) “Diane“
21,15,9, reps for time
handstand push ups

07. April

a) 1 rep max front squat

b) “Fran“
21,15,9 reps for time
thrusters 40/30
pull ups

06. April

1200 warm up
3x60m without shoes
8x400 in teams of two
12 min amrap 200m in teams of three



04. April

a) work up to a heavy power snatch

b) amrap 12min
7 power snatch 50/35
7 burpee toes to bar

03. April

5km run
3km swim

02. April

a) 3 rounds
1-3 rope climbs
30-45 sec L-sit

b) 5 rounds for time
250m row
25 shoulder to overhead 40/30

01. April


31. März

Open WOD 14.5 “Open 14.5“
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time
thrusters 43/30
bar facing burpees


Sprint Training 1200m warm up + mobility

3x 100m 100%

1min run
50 sec rest
1 min run
40 sec rest
1min run
30 sec rest
1 min run
20 sec rest
1min run
10 sec rest
1 min run
20 sec rest

29. März

in teams of two for total reps

amrap 10min
3 thrusters 40/30
3 burpees
6 thrusters
6 burpees
9 thrusters
9 burpees

5min rest

amrap 10min
3 cleans 60/40
3 toes to bar
6 cleans
6 toes to bar
9 cleans
9 toes to bar

one is working at a time. partners switch after each round

28. März

a) emom 10min
min 1-5
1 press
min 6-10
1 push press

try to increase each round by at least 5/2,5

b) for total reps
amrap 4min
alternating db snatches 25/20
buy in 400m run

2min rest

amrap 4min
over the box jumps (no physical contact) 60/50
buy in 400m run

2min rest

amrap 2min
alternating db snatches 25/20
buy in 200m run

2min rest

amrap 2min
over the box jumps 60/50
buy in 200m run

27. März

7km run


a) work ups to a heavy single front squat within 12min and finish with a set of 10reps at 70-80%

b) 3 rounds for time
400 run
30 box jumps 60/50
20 swings 24/16
10 handstand push ups

25. März

5km run

24. März

“Open 14.4“
amrap 14min
60cal row
50 toes to bar
40 wall balls 20/14
30 cleans 62/43
20 muscle ups


sprint training at the track
1200m warm up

4x 60m (60%,70%,80%,90%)

3 min run
3 min rest
2 min run
2 min rest
1 min run
1 min rest
30 sec run
30 sec rest
1min run
1 min rest

22. März


21. März

a) work up to a heavy set of the following complex
power clean
hang squat clean
front squat
power jerk

b) amrap 10min
every minute on the minute
5 hang cleans 50/35
5 front squat
5 shoulder to overhead


a) 3 rounds not for time
max reps strict handstand push ups
max reps supine ring rows

a) for time
2 rounds
400m row
20 swing 32/24
10 chest to bar pull ups
2 rounds
400m run
20 goblet squat 32/24
10 ring dips

19. März


18. März

7km run


“Open 14.3“
amrap 8min
10 deadlifts 62,5/43
15 box jumps 60/50
15 deadlifts 85/62,5
15 box jumps
20 deadlifts 102,5/70
15 box jumps
25 deadlifts 125/85
15 box jumps
30 deadlifts 143/93
15 box jumps
35 deadlifts 166/102,5
15 box jumps

16. März

Sprint Training
1200 warm up
3 x 60m 80%
5 x 400m
3 min rest
3 x 100m 100%

15. März

In teams of two amrap 30min
200m run
20 overhead lunges 20/15
20 swings 24/16

team members alternate tasks, with only one member working at a time


a) 3 rounds not for time
6-8 deadlifts
12-15 ring dips

b) 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 reps for time
sumo deadlift high pull 40/30
slam ball 20/15

13. März

7km run

12. März

a) emom 10min
even 6-8 press
odd 6-8 stritct pull ups

b) 3 rounds for time
400m run
20 wall balls 20/14
10 toes to bar



10. März

WOD 10.03.2014 "Open 14.2"

"Open 14.2“
every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete

from 0:00-3:00
2 rounds
10 overhead squats
10 chest to bar pull ups

from 3:00-6:00
2 rounds
12 overhead squats
12 chest to bar pull ups

from 6:00-9:00
2 rounds
14 overhead squats
14 chest to bar pull ups

etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds

09. März

5km run


in teams of two
for total reps

amrap 6min
burpee box jumps 60/50
partner holds front rack 60/40

2min rest

amrap 3min
clean & jerk 60/40

2min rest

amrap 6min
row (cal)
partner holds deadlift 60/40

2min rest

amrap 3min
clean & jerk 60/40

07. März

a) back squat
3 x 5 (70-80%)

b) for time
800 run
70 box jumps 60/50
60 swings 24/16
50 wall balls 20/14
40 toes to bar
30 burpees
20 handstand push ups
10 muscle ups

06. März

a) 4 rounds not for time
6-8 bench press
1-2 rope climbs

b) 2 rounds for time
250m row
25 pull ups
250m row
25 push press 50/35


a) emom 12min
odd 5 deadlifts 100/70
even 5 strict handstand push ups

b) 5 rounds for time
10 hang cleans 60/40
15 hand release push ups
200m run

04. März


03. März

“Open 14.1“
amrap 10min
30 double unders
15 power snatches 35/25

02. März

5km run

01. März

in teams of two for time

800m run (both)
50 thrusters 40/30
100 burpees
150 box jumps 60/50
100 pull ups
50 thrusters 40/30
800m run (both)

28. Februar

a) work to a heavy single power clean within 10min

b) 5 rounds for time
5 power cleans 80/60
10 ring dips
20 air squats

c) tabata
hollow rock
arch rock

27. Februar

3km swim

26. Februar


25. Februar

a) emom 8min
3 back squats (85%)

b) for time
50 wall balls 20/14
25 pull ups
40 wall balls 20/14
20 pull ups
30 wall balls 20/14
15 pull ups
20 wall balls 20/14
10 pull usp
10 wall balls 20/14
5 pull ups

24. Februar

a) "Open 11.2"
amrap 15min
9 deadlifts 70/45
12 push ups
15 box jumps 60/50

b) with a partner
150 toes to bar
(one is working at a time)

23. Februar

Turkish Get Up

Metcon (Time)
for time:
manmaker 20/10

22. Februar


21. Februar

a) 3 rounds not for time
10 hanstand push ups
10 pistols
30 double unders

b) for time
30 deadlifts 80/50
30 hang cleans 60/40
30 thrusters 40/30
emom 5 burpees

20. Februar

a) 3 rounds snatch complex x 70%
1 power snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch

b) 10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time
squat snatch 40/30
chest to bar pull ups

19. Februar


Metcon (Time)
Five sets for times of:
10 Pushpress 50/30
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
Row 200m

Rest 2min

18. Februar

a) power jerk
4 x 4 x 70-80%

b) 3 rounds for time
400m run
20 pull ups
15 burpee box jumps 60/50

17. Februar

“Open 11.5“
amrap 20 minutes
5 power cleans 65/45
10 toes to bar
15 wall balls 20/14

16. Februar


15. Februar

In teams of two
a) establish a 1rm front squat

b) amrap 20min
15 sit ups
15 swings 24/16

partner rows 250m

14. Februar

a) establish a 1rm clean & jerk

b) for time
1 round „cindy“
1 clean & jerk 60/40
1 rounds „cindy“
2 clean & jerk 60/40
1 round „cindy“
3 clean & jerk 60/40
1 round „cindy“
10 clean & jerk 60/40

13. Februar

3km swim

12. Februar

5km run

11. Februar


10. Februar

"Open 13.1" proceed through the sequence completing as many reps as possible in 17min
40 burpees
30 snatches 35/20
30 burpees
30 snatches 60/35
20 burpees
30 snatches 75/45
10 burpees
amrap snatches 95/55

09. Februar


08. Februar

in teams of two for time
1000m row
300 squats
1000m row
150 push press 40/30
1000m row
75 burpees over the bar

on is working at a time

07. Februar

a) with a partner 3 rounds
4-6 muscle ups
6-8 glute ham raises
8-10 strict hansdtand push ups

b) emom 10min
5 deadlifts 100/70
10 push ups
max reps box jumps 60/50

06. Februar


05. Februar

a) 10min to work up to a heavy single power clean

b) emom 5min
5 power cleans x 75-85% of a)

c) 21,15,9 reps of
thrusters 60/40
sumo deadlift high pulls 60/40

04. Februar

5km run

03. Februar

a) Jack“
amrap 20min
10 push press 50/35
10 swings 24/16
10 box jumps 60/50

b) tabata hollow rock

02. Februar

The CrossFit Total
Back Squat max
Shoulder Press max
Deadlift max

01. Februar


31. Januar

a) on every 2min for 12min
2 back squats x 85%

b) 5 rounds for time
21 sit ups
15 bar hops
9 hang power cleans 60/40

30. Januar

a) 5 rounds of the following kb complex with each arm 2 cleans + 2 push presses + 2 overhead lunges

b) for total reps
4min amrap
8 shoulder to overhead 60/40
12 toes to bar
2min rest

4min amrap
8 front rack lunges 60/40
12 box jumps 60/50
2min rest

4min amrap
8 burpees over the bar
12 deadlifts 60/40

29. Januar

Metcon (Time)
100 wallballs for time
every break do 5 bodyblaster

28. Januar

a) deadlift

b) for time
50cal row
50 thrusters 30/20
35cal row
35 thruster 40/30
20cal row
20 thruster 50/40

27. Januar

4 rounds for time
27 box jumps 60/50
20 burpees
11 squat cleans 65/45

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