Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014

Let the Games begin

360 Tage haben wir gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen auf diesen Moment gewartet. Und heute ist es soweit. Die CrossFit Games 2014 werden endlich angepfiffen. Am Mittwoch startet das erste Individual Event. Und weil sich Dave Castro und seine Crew ja nicht lumpen lassen, geht's direkt an den Strand. Wer sich den ganzen Spaß nicht entgehen lassen will, sollte sich schon mal den Livestream in seine Favoritenleiste tackern! Damit ihr auch immer wissen, wann ihr einschalten müsst, bekommt ihr von mir obendrauf noch mal alle Events und Mitteleuropäische Sendezeiten (CET) im Überblick!

Location: Hermosa Beach Pier
CET: 18:00 - 02:00 
For time:
Swim 250 yards
50 kettlebell thrusters  (35 / 24 lb.)
30 burpees
Swim 500 yards
30 burpees
50 kettlebell thrusters  (35 / 24 lb.)

Nach einer kurzen Verschnaufpause geht es am Abend weiter mit dem zweiten Event.


Location: Tennis stadium
Women: CET 03:30 - 04:30 
Men: CET 04:30 - 05:30 
1-rep-max overhead squat
Athletes will each have 3 attempts.
Das ganze Event im Video


Location: Outside of Track and Soccer Stadium
Friday 25.05.2014 CET: 19:00 - 19:45 
For time: Row 3,000 meters
300 double-unders
Run 3 miles
Das ganze Event im Video


Location: Soccer Stadium
Men: CET 23:45 - 00:15 
Women: 00:15 - 00:45 
For time: 100-yard sled push
Das ganze Event im Video 

21-15-9 COMPLEX

Location: Tennis Stadium
CET 01:30 - 04:00 
For time:
deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.)
7 cleans (155 / 115 lb.)
6 snatches (155 / 115 lb.)
8 pull-ups
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 bar muscle-ups
deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.)
5 cleans (155 / 115 lb.)
4 snatches (155 / 115 lb.)
6 pull-ups
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 bar muscle-ups
deadlifts (155 / 115 lb.)
3 cleans (155 / 115 lb.)
2 snatches (155 / 115 lb.)
4 pull-ups
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 bar muscle-ups
Time Cap: 7 minutes


Location: Soccer Stadium
Time at Saturday Afternoon:
Women: CET 21:30 - 22:30
Men: 22:30 - 23:45
For time:
400-meter run
18 muscle-ups
400-meter run
15 muscle-ups
400-meter run
12 muscle-upsEach time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run a 200-meter lap.
Das ganze Event im Video 


Location: Soccer Stadium
Time at Saturday Afternoon:
Women: CET 00:00 - 00:30
Men: 00:30 - 01:00
For time:Sprint 100 yards
100-yard carry (150 / 100 lb. cylinder)
Sprint 100 yards100-yard carry (120 / 80 lb. sandbag)
Sprint 100 yards100-yard carry (100 / 60 lb. cylinder)
Das ganze Event im Video


Location: Tennis Stadium
Saturday evening
Women: CET 02: - 03:00
Men: 03:00 - 04:00
This event will be broken into 3 rounds: Quarterfinal, Semifinal and Final. Athletes will be ranked by their time to complete each ladder, or by the heaviest weight cleaned.
Quarterfinal Round. For time:
 1 squat clean (245 / 155 lb.)
1 squat clean (255 / 160 lb.)
1 squat clean (265 / 165 lb.)
1 squat clean (270 / 170 lb.)
1 squat clean (275 / 175 lb.)
Time Cap: 2 minutes
Top 24 athletes advance Semifinal Round. For time:
1 squat clean (280 / 180 lb.)
1 squat clean (290 / 185 lb.)
1 squat clean (300 / 190 lb.)
1 squat clean (305 / 195 lb.)
1 squat clean (310 / 200 lb.)
Time Cap: 3 minutes

Top 8 athletes advance Final Round. For time:
1 squat clean (315 / 205 lb.)
1 squat clean (325 / 210 lb.)
1 squat clean (335 / 215 lb.)
1 squat clean (340 / 220 lb.)
1 squat clean (345 / 225 lb.)
Das ganze Event im Video


Location: Tennis Stadium
Saturday evening
Women: CET 04:15 - 05:00
Men: 05:05 - 05:50

For time of:
7 handstand push-ups (deficit for men)
50-foot sled pull
8 deficit handstand push-ups
50-foot sled pull
9 deficit handstand push-ups
50-foot sled pull
10 deficit handstand push-ups
50-foot sled pull

Each round the deficit for the strict handstand push-ups increases. No kipping.
Time Cap: 11 minutes
Das ganze Event im Video


Location: Soccer Stadium
Time at Sunday Afternoon
3 rounds for time of:
25 GHD sit-ups
50-ft. handstand walk
50-ft. overhead walking lunge (155 / 115 lb.)


Location: Tennis Stadium
Sunday afternoon
For time:
4 rope climbs
3 overhead squats (245 / 165 lb.)
Time Cap: 4 minutes


Location: Tennis Stadium
Sunday afternoonFor time:

60 clean and jerks (135 / 95 lb.)

Time Cap: 7 minutesThe event begins 2 minutes after the time cap of Thick ‘n Quick.
Das ganze Final-Event im Video

Die Games auf Instagram 

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